Welcome to the Demo Music section. I've included various works that I have written over the years for you to listen to. Unless otherwise indicated, all the music is recorded using my computer and a synthesizer. Many of the pieces were envisioned for accoustic instruments. More pieces and details to come...

- Andy

Incidental Music

The following pieces are selections from incidental music written for a play I organized for Easter.

Arrest Sequence
March 2002
This short clip is used during the series of events during the arrest of Jesus.
Mocking Guards
March 2002
This is an extension from the "Arrest Sequence" where the Roman guards are torturing and mocking Jesus.
Raising the Cross
March 2002
Performed during a slide show presentation showing images of Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary and being nailed to it and dying.
Orchestral Works

Well there's only one presented here. The other ones are still in my head! Hopefully I'll have something soon.

Chasing Dreams
Jan 2001
This piece was originally written for a web site demo which became a stand alone piece later on with this current title. It's has recently been expanded and reworked for a small orchestra. The piece in it's original form is presented here.

The following are pieces I have written for my friends' weddings of which I had the honor of composing for.

Dance of Clouds
March 2001
Wedding processional for my friends Nali and Ken. This piece has been used in another wedding and requested for future ones.
The Vow
Aug 2001
Wedding processional for my friends Gloria and Aries.
The Gift
July 2001
This is actually a song with lyrics written by the groom Aries Argao. The lyrics are not presented on this track but is "sung" instead by a synthesized oboe.
Internet Scores

These are various scores written originally for a InternetESL.com. Most pieces are for internet flash projects and some video sequences on the site. The following are samples which I felt stood well by themselves.

Teen World
Jan 2001
An intro to a comic that needed a piece that was upbeat and had that sort of "teen" drama feel to it. Written for a regular rock band.
Under Construction
May 2001
This animation sequence contained a bunch of construction workers (stick figures to be exact) which came and constructed the company's logo. The instrumentation is supposed to involve hardware tools and objects that might be found in a construction site. I would love to hear what STOMP! can do with this.
Get Ready
Aug 2000
Quick action introduction to an animated adventure aimed for a young audience.
Nov 2000
As you might guess from the music, this is an ending to one of the animated sequences.
Hotch potch

These pieces were written for my composition class or for various other reasons. These particular songs were selected to give a good variety of my work.

I Do Not Sleep
Feb 1998
My first attempt at writing a song with pre-written lyrics. The lyrics are from a poem by the same name by an Anonymous author.
Time Passes
Jan 1998
A piece written to an illustration drawn by Ian Kim (http://www.genesischronicles.com). The drawing of the same name depicts a girl standing in a calm breeze in a golden field. Although not visible in the picture, I decided to try a sort of oriental feel to the piece.
For Brenda
Jan 1996
I wrote a piano piece for my friend of mine for her birthday.

All music is © Copyright by Andy Kim